
Crimson Bite by Danielle Rose, Ben Alderson

jane_kelsey's review

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I have mixed feelings about Crimson bite because although I loved the concept and certain aspects of the characters, I struggled to warm up to either of the main characters and the plot was a bit thin.

Savi is a born vampire and goes against the rules and kills humans whilst feeding, something that she seems to be struggling with, however, I have not felt her truly battling with her demons. Her attitude was vastly arrogant and superior and feels bad only when she is faced with the consequences of her actions. I did warm up to her towards the end a little, but I found her overall to uncaring towards others, including her best friend and even her brother. George was far more likeable, trying to cope with the unspeakable acts his mother is making him do in the name of “justice”. I would’ve liked him even more if he would’ve stood up to his mother a lot more from the beginning – I struggled to get behind him whilst he was doing all of these. I really liked the scenes between him and Chad, their relationship was my favourite bit.

The writing was good, although I was worried initially that I would “tell” who wrote what, but it flown seamlessly and blended together really well.

Although I have liked reading Crimson Bite, I did not feel that there was much going on in terms of plot movement and there were some pacing problems, especially to begin with. This might also be because I have certain expectations from urban/paranormal and not all have been met. All being said, I did enjoy the story!

The story ends on a cliffhanger, but the next instalment is out on the 8th of January 2019.


rhianneyanne's review

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I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

The cover for this book instantly caught my attention. I loved the colour of the red and the moon behind the model on the front. From the blurb we know that Hillcrest is going to bring together a lot of supernatural beings.

Our two main characters are as described in the blurb. Savi, born a vampire who tries to hide her bloodlust and her best friend is George, a very powerful wizard who has lost his father. Then you have the werewolves who live in the forest.

In the beginning, we learn about a treaty that was made years ago, then we learn about how Savi has been breaking that treaty. I loved both of the main characters in different ways, as they both have something dark to battle, both inside themselves and in the world.

There’s action, romance, and a very big theme about how important friendships are. Plus that ending literally has me needing the next instalment and I am so excited as, with the current date, it comes out the day before my birthday!

theramenreader's review

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Wow! I really enjoyed this book so much. The two narrators both have dark secrets and I love that. The writing in this book was great, the two writers have a similar writing style that really compliments each other. If you like vampires, witches, and werewolves, this book is definitely for you. I cannot wait to go back to Hillcrest for book two!

ccampbell280's review

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The ending will leave you craving for more. Thank goodness the books are all coming out close together.

Before the rest of the review I will say, I highly recommend this book and will be continuing with the series.

I received this book for review, and I can honestly say that as much as I enjoyed it I was slightly confused. The confusion came in the form of not understanding what the plot of the book was. I prefer to go into books without knowing much as I think it is better to discover what is happening throughout. But with this book I just found that for me there wasn't much of a plot. There was so many routs I felt like the story could have went but it didn't. I was also struggling to feel connected to the characters as I wished there was more that we got to learn about. I am hopeful however that we will find out ore about the characters within the following books.

I will however say that the writing within the book was amazing, flowing together beautifully in a way that some co-author books snuggle with. The writing styles mesh together beautifully to create a stunning story.

However, despite all of the problems I had with the book, the second half was to die for, so much action happened that you are constantly entertained. The action wasn't too hardcore which I liked as long elaborate fighting scenes I often struggle to follow along with, but the fights in this book were executed perfectly.

half_bloodreader's review

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This is a story about two supernatural best-friends: Savi, a vampire, and George, a witch. Both are keeping dark secrets from each other and from the town they live in. Secrets that could lead the town's council to decreed their deaths.

Savi is a born vampire, whose only remaining family is her brother Chad. Despite the town's treaty, Savi can't fight against her predator instincts, feeding on and killing humans. She must keep this secret at all cost from the town's Elders, but specially from George.

George is a powerful witch with skeletons in the closet: struggling under the murderous demands of his mentally unbalanced mother, his inability to conquer a certain element, and a secret former love acting like he never cared for him.

These two find themselves at the wrong place, where everything gets out of control too fast. It's not just their lives that are at risk, it's the possibility of loosing themselves to the darkness.

The story is interesting, but I didn't feel much of a connection to the characters. Savi is someone who doesn't even attempt to fight off her craving for more than blood bags, and kills her victims. George has an insane mother who makes him do terrible illegal things, like that justice into their own hands. I can't cheer for their success, when they do so much wrong.

They also never manage to fix anything. Every time they try, everything gets worse and they don't fix the previous problem. Mistakes and more darkness ensue.

The plot needed to be more cohesive, specially with the switching points-of-view. Hillcrest needed more context. There's so much we don't know about this supernatural world. A lot happens in a small amount of time, it will make your head spin haha

sydneyd05's review

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I received an arc from the writer.

This is not your average supernatural book. For starters, the main character is actually a killer who essentially feels no remorse over what she’s done. This is what made me not really like the book when I started it. I didn’t start liking the book until about halfway through it.

The book has a good plot that is a bit jumbled at times but I liked it. It was interesting to find out all the supernatural rules in this world. I really liked the friendship between Siva and George, they really had an unbreakable bond.

I would recommend this book if you want to dive into a new supernatural world.