seethinglloron's review against another edition

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Hard to read, poorly paced, and all over the place. I want to read Seale's point of view but these taoes should have been the start of an editorialized memoir and autobiography, not the end.

alexsiddall's review

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I read this when I was young, in the early 1970s. I was aware of the plagiarism. Some passages were lifted wholesale from 'Soul on Ice' by Eldridge Cleaver. It felt derivative and offered little new to someone who'd also read Angela Davis's 'If they come In the Morning'.
I was a white, English, naive, easily-led kid, but my sense of the injustices of the establishment has not waned.
Writing this in the wake of watching the Netflix 'Trial of the Chicago 7', I'm outraged again, but also aware at how brilliantly adaptable the establishment is at turning its critics into entertainment. Me, I never stood up to be counted. Now the establishment has digested even my unexpressed protest. Admiring this movie is only an entertainment call - my whole life in the 50 years since demonstrates that it affected my thoughts but not my actions.

rosedee1995's review

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I’ve been extremely interested in the Black Panther Party since I graduated from high school in 2013, but this book written by Bobby Seale has led me to fall in love all over again with the Black Panther Party. EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS BOOK!

niceread's review

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This book was a transcription of audio tapes made while Bobby Seale was in jail and it reads like an audio tape transcript. It was an interesting narrative of the time, but not well written.

tomistro's review

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Alkupuoli on erittäin kiinnostavaa katutason kerrontaa siitä, miten ja miksi Mustien panttereiden puolue perustettiin ja minkälaista toiminta oli ja minkä takia. Puolueen perustajiin kuuluva Seale kertoo niistä mustan yhteisön oloista ja ongelmista, joihin marxisti-leninistinen radikaalivallankumouksellinen ryhmä nousi ratkaisuksi. Paljon ns. hyvää pohdintaa. Loppupuolella kerrataan vähän turhan tarkasti oikeudenkäyntiä, jonka seurauksena Seale tuomitaan vankilaan, ja kerronnan voima & vauhti vähän katoavat.

Kuitenkin kokonaisuutena valaiseva kirja Yhdysvaltojen rasismista ja siitä, miten sitä on lähdetty haastamaan.

lizzyloo9's review

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I became really interested in Bobby Seales story after watching the Trial of the Chicago 7, so I picked up his book from the library. While it took a second for me to get used to the “writing” which is a transcript of recordings during his time in jail, I have to rate this 5/5 due to how much I learned from this book. The 10 part platform is still, sadly, so relevant today. To learn about the BPP from the exact opposite view of how I was taught in school was eye opening and necessary.