
Day by Jessica Florence

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Day - Hero Society 2 by Jessica Florence

Superhero Romance. Does not stand alone, read Dawn first.

I read TWO books in a month. I was in a total rut. Then I started Day by Jessica Florence and read it in one day! It’s completely unique, fun, sexy and exciting all in one.
"Two broken halves of a soul, made whole together." 

Leon…poor Leon. He has super strength and speed, but when his powers manifested, he caused grave damage to his best friend and will never forgive himself. One night after a few too many drinks he met Lilith.
“Hiya, I’m Lilith Sage. Dancer, lover of music, and retired spy goddess divine."
“Leon Daniels. Stubborn ass, fisherman, freak with powers, anger issues, and a shitty memory problem"

I loved Lilith! She was a bit of a freak but I loved that about her.
“You’re Determined.”
“You mean crazy.” She giggled.

Leon took a little longer to warm up to. I wish he was as alpha as his powers suggest, but the years of guilt have taken their toll on him. He needed someone like Lilith to bring him back.
"Lillith was doing more than just looking at me on the outside, She was peering into my soul, like she was familiar with it."

I loved how the whole Hero Society storyline is developing and that some superheroes may not have special powers but they are heroes nevertheless.
“We’ve been through this before. We keep moving, keep training, and keep searching for more like us. Hopefully with word getting out about us, others will join. We are out in the light of day, and now we can fight back the shadows as they come.”

Day is like a combination YA novel and erotic romance. I feel like Jessica’s writing and the story of this particular series would really be a great YA series if we lowered the ages just a bit and removed the detailed sex. There is just something a little immature about the writing that I actually found endearing (maybe overuse of exclamation points?). I think that young, fresh feel is also part of the thing I really enjoyed about it.


  • •I loved Lillith!

  • •Fun and kind of campy.

  • •I loved the new side characters.

  • •Wasn’t very predictable.

  • •Totally unique concept.

  • •Visiting with previous characters.

  • •I laughed while being on the edge of my seat.


  • •A bit immature. (But I kind of liked that)

  • •Not quite enough of a romance for me.

  • •Could have used another round of editing.

The Down & Dirty:

I am totally invested in The Hero Society and I can’t wait to read what happens next. This is my first superhero series and it has me wanting to find more like it. Jessica Florence is great at writing unique and quirky characters, and The Hero Society books are fun, exciting, and totally unique. I can’t wait for the next!

Rating: 4.25 Stars. 4 heat

Purchase Day by Jessica Florence

wblove's review

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So much fun!

Im really enjoying this series! Day is book 2 in the Hero Society and it’s a mostly low angst series though it does have its moments. Think of them as the avengers, plus romance with each book focused on a different person/couple. Book one eased us into this world , and book two was able to focus more on our hero and their story. I REALLY loved the MMC and FMC in this book. They were perfect for each other in the most unlikely ways. The FMC was a certified badass and I love how the author didn’t do the typical broken woman trope with her. I also love how even though one of the Hero’s has the sight of the future, he never messes things up by telling the others too much or rushing things. Which leads to some fun surprises along the way. Can’t wait to keep reading!

darquedreamer's review against another edition

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"Firebirds rise, firebirds fly."

Day is wild and beautiful. It is fast paced, emotional, and full of surprises. If you enjoy super hero romances with crazy twists, this one is for you!

Jessica Florence has impressed me again. She was able to capture intense emotion within her writing, while creating a story that was fun, imaginative, and easy to read. She also added two more wildly dynamic characters to the hero society.

Lilith was insane! She was passionate and tempestuous, and utterly unpredictable. She had an intensely dark past and brought such ferocity to the story.

"Two broken halves of a soul, made whole together."

Leon was tall, dark, and brooding. He was incredibly strong, and emotionally closed off due to his past. I loved his personality and the way he counteracted Lilith.

Day was vivid and captivating. It had the heart and soul of a young adult fantasy with a little bit of mature adult content. The romance was turbulent and heartwarming, and though the plot was a little predictable, it was exciting and unique.

If you enjoy edgy, fast paced, fantasy stories with some steamy scenes, you will love this series. Jessica has created a highly developed world full of unique characters. The books are fun to read. They invoke powerful emotions and are exhilarating and entertaining.

"We will always rise above and fight the shadows, even after there is no light."

Day 7.jpg

Thank you to the author for sending me this free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Quotes are from the book, written by the author.

traci_booksagram's review

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I was pleasantly surprised when I started this book to discover that the POV is from two new main characters. I absolutely love that! So the series has an overarching storyline that continues, but each book revolves around a new couple. But don’t worry, we still see plenty of the individuals from the previous book.

After an accident at 16, Leon has considered his gift to be a curse. He has never gotten past what he did. Lilith gives the appearance of being a bit unhinged, but she is definitely someone who is full of surprises.

I absolutely loved where Leon and Lilith’s story progressed. This book is full of so many surprises & I definitely love Lilith’s craziness. She is unabashedly her own woman and I love everything about her. The faith she has in Leon is amazing.

I cannot wait to start the next book in this series!

nessreads11's review

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*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*

4.5 Stars!

Ever since I read the last page in DAWN, I couldn't wait for DAY. I needed to know what was going to happen next. I missed the Hero Society and I couldn't wait to see what every individual was up to. And I was also intrigued to learn more about Leon. Learn how he came into his powers and what role he'd play in the Society.

Leon was on fast track to become something of himself. An all-star football player who had his sights set to playing in college and then the NFL. But something he didn't see coming derailed his plans. And an unfortunate accident that he had no way of stopping made him an outcast and left Leon with so much guilt. No matter how much time has passed, Leon will never forget what he did and how it impacted the life of his friend. To Leon, he deserves to feel that guilt and there's nothing that will change his mind otherwise.

Lilith has been through a lot. At a very young age she's seen the ugly the world possesses. The things that have happened to her, no one should go through. But instead of letting all that darkness consume Lilith, she does her damnedest to let the light in. She was such a strong heroine that I admired. I liked how uplifting and positive she was considering the bad that'd been done to her. She was such a badass and such a warrior. I absolutely loved her!

Leon and Lilith together were freaking awesome! The way Lilith brought Leon out of his shell, though it too time was great. The banter between these two had me laughing. Lilith was exactly what Leon needed. The progression to their relationship was refreshing to read. I honestly couldn't get enough of them.

And also, I liked getting back to this superhero world. Learning what every individual was up to. Getting that excitement from the Heroes' missions. I basked in the adrenaline that the Heroes were feeling. Escaping back to the Hero Society is just what I needed and I can't wait for the next book. So excited to see what Jessica has in store.

debs_shelves's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series, but I absolutely LOVED this one. Leon stole my heart. And Lilleth - what a badass woman! Love watching these characters grow and develop. The society is growing and changing and it's fun to watch the relationships develop between the members.

Will definitely be continuing with this series!

thesassybookworm's review against another edition

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descriptionSOOOO...I was really looking forward to this book. I loved book one and I seem to have a thing for superhero romance type books, alas this one just didn't WOW me as much as the first book did. Mainly because I just could NOT stand the heroine. But honestly, I really struggled to connect with both the main characters.


So even though I struggled with this book overall the writing was still very good. The pace was a tad slow for me but this may be because I struggled with the main couple a lot. That said, the plot was still very engaging and I still am enjoying the overall story arc. It's also told in dual POVs which I always prefer as it tends to make the book feel more complete.

Leon...he was OK. I certainly liked his character more than Lilith but he was NO Draco that is for sure. He came across to ME very BETA and weak. I don't know, maybe my expectations got the better of me but I was expecting someone a lot more alpha and domineering. Who went after what he wanted not hid from it. 

Lilith...sigh. She is really why the book lost most of its stars. I did not like her AT ALL. I *think* the author was trying to go for quirky bada$$ but for me, she just can across like a weirdo crazy stalker. I hated the way she spoke. I hated the way she acted. Lord, I just really didn't like her character in the least (lol).

All the characters from book one show up again in this one plus we get to meet a couple new faces as well. Charles intrigues me as does Mina.


Low. Even though this couple gets married right off the bat they don't get around to having sex until 60% in. To that end, one of the other big issues I had with this book was that is just never felt a sexual (or any kind of) connection between these two. Hell, Leon runs away to avoid her the day after they get married. Honestly, he never seemed to even like her half the time. He certainly didn't seem to be lusting after her. And Lilith just seemed to be OTT in her chasing of him considering the lengths he went through to avoid her.

Low. I didn't find this very angsty and there was no OW or OM drama. The hero wasn't a manwhore, and neither were virgins.

I was OK. My enjoyment came mostly from the overall storyline and the secondary characters. Both main characters just weren't my cup of tea. It happens. That said, I am still fully onboard with this series and can't wait to see what this author has up her sleeve for our superheroes next. Yours truly gives this one a thumbs up.description



bribookish's review against another edition

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**4.5 stars**

This series is so freaking awesome! It is such a breath of fresh air.
These books are super fast paced; I read this in one sitting and read it within 3 to 4 hours. I couldn't put it down. I Loved Leon and Lilith! I love that Draco, Rose, and Phillip are still in the story and that we get to see them a lot! I'm definitely not ready to say goodbye to them, especially now with Leon and Lilith in the pack!
Seriously, if you're a fan of super heroes, you've GOT to check this series out! They are incredibly fast paced and so addicting!

bookishaffair's review against another edition

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⭐✴⭐✴ 4.5 STARS ✴⭐✴⭐

"We will always rise above and fight the shadows,"
Yet again Jessica Delivered a new Super Hero Power Couple.
With a unique string of events and characters.
This time though the Hero Society is up against not only the Evil Society but to make people believe In this society. Especially Leon Daniels.
Leon Daniels has seen his days of glory & honour to Failure & degradation.. after finding out having superpowers in a hard way it left a mark on him that eventually turned him into Recluse.
“Sometimes even the darkest of souls can see the light. If they are willing.”
Then comes a night where he meets the crazy, unpredictable, badass Lilith & that's a start of some crazy set of events, one in particular being getting married...
“Hiya, I’m Lilith Sage. Dancer, lover of music, and retired spy goddess divine."
“Leon Daniels. Stubborn ass, fisherman, freak with powers, anger issues, and a shitty memory problem"
But history always says that alcohol and decision only creates chaos & for one time this decision harboured immense problem for Leon.
He couldn't get annulled for 1 month.. all he had was to get away from Lilith.
As for Lilith this 1 month was all she had to get Leon Believe in their marriage and chemistry.
"Her siren song had finally captured this sailor."
{ P.S. - She was my FAVOURITE character in this book. Her personality was the best of all, alluring, confident, a beauty of its own, she was the kind of crazy that everybody wants and be.}
Lilith & Leona chemistry was too die for. It was dreamy, loveable, funny and dramatic.. Their bickering was AH-MAZING to watch & Lilith's on-the-spurt moments were Hilarious.
"Lillth was doing more than just looking at me on the outside, She was peering into my soul, like she was familiar with it."
Now Lilith and Leon had two things to conquer, an enemy & their falling marriage. They had a hidden enemy to fight & their only chances was together & with the Hero Society.
All it needed was For Leon to take that step and jump.
As the timing is ticking they need to Figure out where to invest and how to tackle all these problem.
The society needs them.. And they need the society too...
As only together they can conquer them.

oddandbookish's review against another edition

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I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I have to admit, at first I wasn’t loving Leon and Lilith. Leon was a jerk and Lilith was a bit too crazy. However, after getting to know them and their stories, I loved them. Lilith ended up being a total bad ass and Leon just needed a wake up call. I don’t know if I love them as much as Rose and Draco (because they are the cutest couple on the planet) but I still liked them together. They brought out the best in each other and their personalities worked well.


AJ continues to one of my favorites. We’re slowly learning more about him and his history and all I can say is, I need more! He’s such a precious little cinnamon roll.

In terms of the overarching storyline, things are definitely getting interesting! I’m really curious to see how everything all plays out because it seems like we’re only just getting started and that everyone is all connected in some way. There’s definitely something big coming for sure!

Once again, the playlist was on point. Two of my favorite songs at the moment (“Havana by Camila Cabello and “Whatever it Takes” by Imagine Dragons) were on it, so of course I loved it.

Overall, this was a superb installment to the Hero Society series. I can’t wait to find out what happens next.