shannanh's review

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So, first off, This particular book was just too long for my taste. It wasn't totally bad, just didn't really hold my interest. At one point, it felt like it was going the route of typical white savoir path, but didn't. I'm just not a sci fi person, but judge for yourself, you might enjoy it. It just wasn't for me.

bookishshani_k's review

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In a post-apocalyptic world, I can only hope that it will never be like the world the author created. The story itself is very creative, well thought out and interesting. The idea that a world can be separated even more than it is now is utterly terrifying, especially as we go through these rough times. I found it to be interesting he intertwined recent history and current events into the back story of this world. I think the overall story is well done but there are some issues for me. Some of the terms used are offensive and I just personally am not into books where those are used. The author did a great job of creating a world that is literally out of this world and intriguing. It's a good read for those that are into dystopian, sci/fi, fantasy, or post-apocalyptic genres.

tswynters's review

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Reaper Moon has an interesting concept, but the execution is lacking. First, the pacing is inconsistent. The book suffers from the saggy middle obstacle and purple prose. Some of the characters could have been developed more-the author could have gone deeper into their feelings and wounds. However, some of the action sequences were done well. The pacing and blocking were great in those scenes. I could picture what was going on. But my biggest issue with this book is that it really needs a couple of sensitivity readers. There were parts I just cringed at. And while I commend the author for trying to address an issue that needs to be addressed, but there are areas that the author should have not delved into, or at least handled completely differently and that would have been bought to his attention if he had a group of sensitivity readers.