
Wide Open Spaces by Aurora Rose Reynolds

frenchpressbookworm's review against another edition

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Months ago when I read the blurb and teasers. I couldn't help but think...heck know can I bring myself to read this! It sounded nothing like what I was use to from this author...and I wanted more of what got me hooked on her in the first place ha that being said I went into this with some pretty judgemental lenses...and I walked away with a smile after reading such a good story

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 stars

Zack and Shelby not only have a history, they have a crazy soap opera drama that you can't help but think... No way would that work... What you get in the beginning is these two making the hardest choice any parent has to make and that's doing what's best for your child when you are not it. As they put the baby up for adoption , you really see Shelbys anger. Even though it was both their choice in that moment we can all relate to taking our anger out on the ones we love and that's what she did. She blamed him and after such an event it was hard for them to come back from it... She left. Zack spiraled down and started making really bad choices included sleeping with Shelbys ex best friend... And oh the drama that starts...

I liked Shelby. She didn't come off as a doormat or snobby. But a women who is learning how to stand on her own again with her son after leaving a bad marriage. She for me also shows all kinda of crazy strength to not hold onto anger and hate shows more strength than if she were to have remained bitter and angry. She was a kick butt mom with a super sweet heart.

Now Zach... I thought he was a jerk from he get go and then be began to fight for the girl that got away and I started liking him a little more. He was all the things most ARR Heros are Execpt he didn't start off squeaky clean. He started in world of mud. he has 2 kick butt kids of his own with his ex wife who.. Safe to say we didn't like... Nothing redeemable about her at all.. Anyway he was an amazing dad and what sold me on him was the fact that he was honest with his kids about his mistakes. They knew what happen. They weren't in the dark. They knew their daddy wasn't perfect and that set the tone for me. Did I swoon over Zach... No but let me tell you... His honesty about his heart and love makes me like him a whole freaking lot

What I didn't like....

the whole BFF thing sucked. There was no cheating because H and h were not together but why couldn't he have gone with anyone else! So he lost some points there ... There's a code! Ha

i wish Shelby had made Zach work a littl hard but at the same time I didn't. I'm all about that instant connection and these two had it even after 15 years but at the same time with woman in me is like heck no! Grovel! Haha

these two things kept it from being a 5 star

but honestly this book was a whole lot of emotion and crazy good story with some random drama, sweet humor, and yummy sexy times

I can't wait for the next one

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Wide Open Spaces is the second book in the Shooting Stars Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds. While I have read and enjoyed books by Aurora Rose Reynolds before, I hadn't read the first book in this series before starting this book. I can't wait to go back and read it after reading this story though.

After making the most difficult decision of her life, Shelby left her Alaskan hometown with no plans to return. She was left feeling empty and alone, but she found a way to go on with her life. Now fifteen years later, Shelby returns home with her ten year old son after losing her grandfather and a painful divorce. She knew she would run into her childhood love Zach Watters again with how small the town is, but she never expected that he would be single and not willing to let her go for a second time.

I really liked these two. They had such a strong connection and chemistry that had never gone away despite all that had happened. Their love was never the problem for them, and it was so clear to see that what these two shared was unique and special. They had some really tough decisions that they had to make at a young age, and they both were left to deal with the fallout of those decisions. My heart broke for them, even though they had done what was best for them. I was so glad to see that they were able to reconnect though, and I really felt like Shelby and Zach belonged together. Everything that happened was for a reason, and while it was heartbreaking at times it really felt like these two needed to go through everything that they did to end up exactly where they should.

Overall, this was a really great story. I enjoyed it a lot and once I started it, I couldn't put it down. Zach and Shelby were great characters, and I felt so invested in their story from start to finish. I think that fans of Aurora Rose Reynolds will really enjoy this book, and those that have yet to read her books will love it as well. It is beautiful, emotional, and a captivating story that you can't help but lose yourself in. I highly recommend this one, especially if you love second chance romance stories.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

stumpfed's review against another edition

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Loved this way more than I was expecting. It was a great surprise in every category!

leabookjoy's review against another edition

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French & English reviews

Encore une romance de la seconde chance qui m'a transporté (il m'a fait pensé un peu à un KA x)) : l'héroïne et le héros qui ont vécu des moments très douloureux (j'ai beaucoup aimé l'histoire de l'adoption et son réalisme) mais qui ont décidé de se donner une autre chance, leurs enfants au milieu qui peuvent être horribles ou adorables, des ex qui sont des connards psychotiques (mais l'ex de Zach quoi ! Cette folle !), en Alaska <3, des super personnages secondaires ... Bref, une bonne lecture x)


Another second chance romance that transported me (it made me think a little about a KA book x)) : the heroine and the hero who lived very painful moments (I loved the story of the adoption and its realism) but who have decided to give themselves another chance, their children in the middle who can be awful or adorable, exes who are psychotic assholes (the ex of Zach ??? WTF ?? She's crazy !!) , in Alaska <3, great secondary characters ... In short, a great reading x)

__livesbtweenpgs__'s review against another edition

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Review to also be posted on Book Loving Fairy Blog
Star Rating: 5 stars



Eye opening at times and understanding.

Finally, I have been waiting for someone to write a book with the same issues that are a constant throughout this book. Blended and broken families as well as adoption and second chances.

Shelby and Zach made a decision when they were younger that still haunts them and probably always will. It's never easy to leave a piece of you behind, a piece you won't ever get back.

This book is utterly truthful. The broken family scenario between Zach/Tina and their twins is so spot on that I knew exactly what Steven and Aubrey were feeling at times. Coming from a broken home with parents who end up not wanting to even speak to each other is hard and at times hurtful. Zach tries his hardest to make his kids comfortable and understand as best he can even though they shouldn't have too.

Shelby is in a tough spot in her life, having been married and now divorced. When she loses the only family she has left she sees an out and she takes it, only it leads her to where it all began, home to Alaska. Moving home with her son should be new start but its anything but, especially when she sees who her neighbor is.

Shelby and Zach come together when they need someone the most, Zach has loved her since they were kids and Shelby is still finding her way but gets lost in the hopeless moments. These two and the kids involved had me not wanting it to end at all.

Growing up knowing what pain goes along with coming from a broken home is hurtful and not something someone can bounce back from easily because it is a struggle and a hard one at that. Aurora gave it a good voice and also gave a voice to what happens with a decision that Shelby and Zach faced as kids that later on they needed to explain to their kids they have now.

This whole book has me wanting to reach in and hug Aubrey and Steven simply because I connected with them so much. I connected with Hunter on a different level, one that had me wishing my situation with my divorced parents was like his was and not at all what mine was. These three kids brought the life to this book in my opinion simply because in all reality it is the kids who suffer the most when the relationship between the parents gets rocky then ultimately ends and when it ends horribly they are left in the middle and hurt constantly.

Aurora I commend you for this book I can honestly say that it is in my top five all time favorites simply because you wrote it so truthful and with feelings that I hadn't felt in years so I thank you. I found this book beautiful and amazing yet so sad. I am however so glad I found you as an author and hope to some day have some of your PB in my book cabinet.

I look forward to Aubrey's book now more than ever, I was thrown for a loop at the last chapter but then I read on and now I need her book like yesterday.

If you want a book with a second chance at love but also a whole load of truth at something that isn't talked about much then this is the book for you. I tried not to do spoilers in this review so I hope you get it and see for yourself what I am talking about.

ive_colon's review against another edition

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A wonderful second chance romance... their life started as kids who gave their baby up for adoption. Their fates took them different paths, different spouses, kids then life happens. Shelby moves back home only to move in next door to her high school sweetheart. The story they have is beautiful!

bibliophile90's review against another edition

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**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


"We were meant to be here, right now in this moment. We were meant to find each other again."

When I read the blurb of this book it sounded like the perfect contemporary romance I am used to from Aurora. She is pretty much a go-to author for me when I am in a book funk, because even though her reads are light and fun it does have a small emotional punch to it. Nothing to make me ugly-cry for days but she definitely had me tearing up and even crying a couple of times.

"I've carried around an empty place in my soul for the last fifteen years, and the moment I saw you standing outside in the rain, that empty place filled up."

Wide Open Spaces was a great read for me. It was really fast-paced and had the right amount of emotional parts that took the book to another level. Especially the prologue was really difficult to read, because it was really heartbreaking and had me crying right away. I understood why Shelby decided to leave town and start a new life somewhere else. I also thought she did the right thing by coming back after 15 years. Zach and Shel's reunion was uncomfortable and emotional and that is understandable. Shelby was hesitant being around Zach because there will still open wounds. I was glad that it didn't take them long to talk it out. I don't like it when certain things are dragged out in books, so I was happy that wasn't the case in Wide Open Spaces.

I loved Zach and Shelby a lot. It was obvious that they were still in love but the past made it difficult to move on together. I believe if Shelby stayed in town they would've eventually ended up hating each other and break up. The pain of what happened was too fresh. Her leaving was the best thing she did, because it made it possible for both of them to grow up.

"Sometimes, the road to happiness is full of trials and tribulations. You just have to figure out how to make it past the hard parts so you can find your piece of happiness."

Overall this was a great read for me, I can always depend on Aurora to deliver a beautiful and emotional read. The only thing that bothered me a little bit was the length of this book. It was over too quickly, and I have had the same feeling for Aurora's other books. Like I mentioned before it was very fast-paced and I was just missing a bit more character development, especially for Zach and Shelby as a couple. I was reading the last chapter and before I knew it it was over. I do want to mention that Aurora rocked the epilogue because we get a great look into the future which always brings a smile to my face. I loved all the secondary characters and I am happy that one of them is getting their own story.

"There's been a wide open space inside me since...I left you behind. A space I didn't think would ever be full but from the moment I came back, it's slowly been filling up."

lisamh68's review against another edition

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Such a good story.. I loved it.. The epilogue was great.. a year later then 7 years later..

shms's review against another edition

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This had been on my 'handle with care' shelf considering some of the reviews I had read made out that the H was one step from a serial killer. I found this a pretty decent read it. They were both young the first time round, and the H made some bad decisions. I'm ageist, I find it more in context when the H behaves badly when young, it makes more sense. What I find unforgivable is when they behave badly as grown men. And in this case the h had walked away, again very young and hurting. Their 2nd chance certainly commenced quickly and the insta feel felt a little off, though it had some nice angsty moments and the romance skipped along apace. A lot of things, like both ex's were props. It felt like it was to lengthen out the story really rather than digging deeper into those secondary relationships.

shmsy's review against another edition

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This had been on my 'handle with care' shelf considering some of the reviews I had read made out that the H was one step from a serial killer. I found this a pretty decent read it. They were both young the first time round, and the H made some bad decisions. I'm ageist, I find it more in context when the H behaves badly when young, it makes more sense. What I find unforgivable is when they behave badly as grown men. And in this case the h had walked away, again very young and hurting. Their 2nd chance certainly commenced quickly and the insta feel felt a little off, though it had some nice angsty moments and the romance skipped along apace. A lot of things, like both ex's were props. It felt like it was to lengthen out the story really rather than digging deeper into those secondary relationships.