
Giant Days: Not On the Test Edition Vol. 1 by John Allison

eyla's review

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This was cute. Really, if you're looking for a relaxing and pretty chill adventure with three dorky girls and college, this is for you. There's not really much substance to the plot just yet but considering I'm sixty books behind my reading challenge (RIP) I do plan on continuing the series.

litwtchreads's review

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This was super cute and good and I related to every single one of the main characters

snarkylarane's review

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kokoabeans's review

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I quite like this series! I love John Allison but I was wary of this one because I wasn't fond of the art style, and I love his so much. I warmed up to it though. The plotlines are tropy and maybe not as satisfying as his Bad Machinery ones but still really fun and not banal or irritating.

lenabrary's review

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First things first: I loved the art. It's simple and extremely enjoyable. Plus, kudos to the person who did the colouring - the colours pop with life and catch your eye straight away.

The story itself is interesting and I enjoyed all the characters. I liked the underhanded lessons the authors wanted us to learn - what feminism is and isn't, that just because two women are queer, it doesn't mean they have to have a sexual/romantic relationship, etc. I'm definitely going to read the next volume and hope the authors and artists keep up the good work!

theknightswhosaybook's review

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Reread 2018: I retract my previous review. There is absolutely nothing to criticize here. This volume is the platonic ideal of what college should be: full of weirdness, quirky jokes, close friends, and cartoony illustrations.

First read 2017: There are possibly things I could criticize about this volume. I could probably dig up something about it nothing having much of an overarching plot, maybe. But the thing is, not once while reading it did I think to myself, "Oh, I don't like that." When I finished it I wasn't thinking "Pretty great, except for…" I know on some level this series isn't perfect, but you know what? I just really freaking loved it.

allisonh's review

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More like 3.5 stars. I didn't think I was going to enjoy this much at first but as the story went on I started to really like it. The characters are cute and funny but I wished more happened, it was just missing something for me.

nigellicus's review

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I love everything about Giant Days, the writing, the art and the stories but most of all I love the characters - Daisy, Esther and Susan, a trio of the best and brightest humanity has to offer, or at least the gothest, angriest and wettest humanity has to offer. New found friends in their first year at university, they deal with the high drama and low comedy of life in their own inimitable way. Finishing this first volume I realised what it reminded me of most was Alan Plater's Beiderbecke TV series, lots of deadpan wit and common human decency in a funny old world, and in our dark and dodgy times it does us all some good to know someone's keeping that flag flying.

rsngphoenix's review

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I really like the art. Not sure how much I'll like Susan. Grumpy can get old fast, but she's also caring towards her friends.

christiana's review

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Reminded me of a older version of the Bad Machinery series (which I dug). I'll be looking for the next one!