
Sempre by J.M. Darhower

pamgodwin's review against another edition

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Bam! What a powerful opening. Kinship and family secrets converge and unravel in this tale of mafia, human slavery, sex, drugs and gun trafficking. The MC's are seventeen, but I wouldn't categorize this as YA. Despite the cornucopia of gun-fights and fist-fights, this book was long and a bit slow (531 pages). I struggled to swallow Haven's swift adjustment to normalcy after her seventeen years of slavery (living in a horse stable, never setting foot in a store). I also didn't warm to her romance with Carmine. Given her hardships, her trust in him was inconceivable. And the ending felt rash, leaving me with a slew of unanswered questions. Nevertheless, I loved the concept. If Darhower releases a sequel, I'd read it.

devinfeyded's review against another edition

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This is a pretty amazing book. It is full of a bit of everything and put together pretty seamlessly. It was heartbreaking and beautiful. Even knowing about the tragedy of human trafficking doesn't make it real until you meet someone who knows... and Haven felt incredibly real to me. I definitely closed this book with a different outlook.

yashiras_archive's review

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And if it was possible, I'd give it more. I'm still trying to form my feelings into a sentence so bare with me.

This book was being recommended to me for the longest, I kept telling myself I'd read it soon and pushed it aside. Now, in extremely mad I waited so long to get to it.

I felt so many emotions while reading Sempre. I swooned, I cried, I laughed, I was angry.. As you can see it was an emotional ride. There was so much going on and things went down that I didn't see coming, isn't that the best part when reading a book? Not seeing things coming at all?

From the start, I loved Haven. She was a sweetheart, so caring and loving. An angel. Her innocence was rather adorable at times. But I felt incredibly sorry for her, she didn't deserve to go what she went through. As for Carmine, he was a little a**hole at first but I loved it. They're first encounter was interesting, they got off to a wrong start. But Carmine made an effort to get to know her and soon he was captivated. Something about her just seem to pull him to her, wanting to be around her. It was too cute!! Haven and Carmine together made me swoon and squeal, they were just.. EVERYTHING!

Vincent rubbed me the wrong way and then.. I HATED HIM! But I always felt like he was hiding something. His life with the Mafia was a interesting one. He knew he had to be loyal but the last place he wanted to be was there.

The story itself had an amazing buildup with a wonderful development. Slowly we learn more about the mafia and more about Haven. There's definitely more to her background. Haven and Carmine's relationship flourished slowly, with some bumps, but it was clear that they were went for each other. They had a lot in common and they seemed to help each other. Be there when they needed it the most. Their moments are the ones I loved the most. Things definitely get intense throughout the book, I lost count of how many times I lost my mind and freaked out.

Sempre will have you turning each page and feeling something new. It will have you wondering what's going to happen or what new piece of information you will learn. Finishing you might feel a lot of different emotions but it till definitely have you wanting to jump into book two, which is how I currently feel. I'm ready to drown myself in Sempre Redemption. Actually I'm an emotional mess, but I'm still ready to jump into book two. There's no doubt that I absolutely loved this book. Loved it so damn much.

If you haven't read this yet, then get to it. This one is a MUST READ!

thenightofcups's review against another edition

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So... what about the Monster? Wasn't he with Sal?? AM I MISSING SOMETHING?!

Update 5/20/13: I enjoyed this book despite it being a former Twilight fanfiction. I am still utterly opposed to publishing fanfic. It's beyond unethical. However, if one is going to pull a fanfic to publish it, I think this is the best way. I never read Emancipation Proclamation so I have nothing to compare the novel to, which is good. I did read some rather outraged and disappointed reviewer's comments on Amazon, and they were upset so much of the story's content had been changed. In my view, that's the best part of Sempre. The fact that it's NOT EP. Darhower has seen to it that we aren't getting completely ripped off, and didn't pull an E.L. James name swap.

My favorite character was Vincent. He was such a mess, and was genuinely trying to make things better for his family in the end. I don't like what Carmine did, but it was expected. I'm excited to read the conclusion in the fall, and I wouldn't be shocked at all if Sal had a big fat hand in this whole thing.

meghayes11's review against another edition

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I loved this book!!! It was so heartbreaking in many ways-- especially Carmine having to pledge his life to the mafia to save Haven when it is the direct opposite of everything they wanted for their future. Also, Nicholas small role in this brought me to tears!!! Such a great book. So sad it's over:(

aimeelio's review against another edition

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Wow! I only read this because someone I trust gave it a great review. (Thanks Araxi!). She was not wrong. This is a long book, and it sucked me in right from the beginning. Lots of twists and turns, lots of OMG moments, a very solid 4.5 stars.

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Full review at Ana's Attic
Wow. This book grabbed me, pulled me in, and didn't let me go for 3 days. While I usually prefer an older, slightly smuttier read, this story left me wanting for nothing. I laughed, I cried, my heart broke multiple times, I was on the edge of my seat, then it all began again. It was a long, meaty read and I hope to read a sequel soon. (I hear the author is doing one).

Haven grows up as a slave to a Mafia family in a nowhere town in California. She is bought by Dr. Demarco, another mafia guy who lives with his 2 teenaged boys in North Carolina while spending most of his time away, doing 'business' in Chicago. He lost his wife and the love of his life years before to the 'life' and somehow Haven is involved. Both of his boys were charming, but Carmine, the younger one began as a brooding young man who did drugs, fucked anything that had boobs, was messing around in school, and was the 'Princepe' to the mob.

Then Haven, who grew up with nothing, nowhere, came into his life like a 'ninja' and changed everything. Yes, this is a love story. A true, break your heart love story. But it is so much more. It deals with 'La Famiglia', human trafficing, loss of a parent/spouse, lots of violence, class differences, and the list goes on.

This is a book that will stay with me. It was wonderful in that it showed such innocence, and such cold-hearted killing. There are a lot of italian phrases which were beautiful, but since they took the wikipedia link off my kindle app, they were much harder to look up. That would be my only criticism. I would have loved an italian glossary. This did not detract from the book at all though. It added to it.

It's a long, emotional and satisfying read. 5+ stars, 1/2 star for heat.

tshakee2k's review

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3.5 Stars. Very good plot. Just drawn out too much.

cammieo's review against another edition

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totally AMAZING book!!!!!! Loved from start to finish.

jen286's review

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

Sempre was a strangely good read for me. I read it over about a week which is not how I normally read books. I usually finish a book in a day, two tops. I had a friend visiting so I only had an hour or so to read every day so I had to just keep picking it back up and re-immersing myself into the story. That is where the strangely good came in. I was loving the story, loving getting to know both Carmine and Haven, loving everything, but every time I picked the book back up and started reading I would think "wait a minute. Why am I loving this so much? The writing is just so so and not really my thing..." but I would continue reading and quickly was back in the story and had forgot about the writing. Odd. I don't think I would have even noticed anything had I read it straight through like I normally do. So even though I kept thinking the writing is only so so when starting to read, by a couple paragraphs in I was back in the story and back to loving it. I can't wait to read the next book now and see the next chapter of their lives!

Sempre is the story of Haven and Carmine. Haven has not had a good life when this story opens. Really she has one of the worst situations I have read for a book character. Her father is incredibly abusive, somehow related to a mob family, her mother is abused as well so she can't help, she fears for her life daily and is basically a slave. For as long as she can remember she has been told that is what she is and she is not like everyone else. She is not good enough to be out in the world. She is not supposed to know how to read or write, she didn't really have any education except about house chores, she has a miserable existence. And yet she is such a kind sole.

Haven is this amazing person and it is not until Carmine's father saves her that she can really let herself become who she is. It doesn't happen overnight, and it is not easy to undo all the harm she suffered growing up, but she is starting to find a place that she can feel safe. True she doesn't completely trust Carmine's father, especially after a few bad incidents, but it is much better than where she was. At the beginning she still can't go outside, she is trapped in the house, but at least no one is beating her or threatening her life daily. If she makes a mistake here she is not punished. Oh I loved reading her story. I loved seeing her come out of her shell and be who she really is. She was great.

Carmine hasn't really been good since his mom died. He was there when it happened and he hold so much guilt and anger in that he is not in a good way. He sleeps around, has never had a girlfriend, just drinks and does drugs and generally messes up on a daily basis. He can't keep his anger in check, but getting to know Haven changes him. She makes him want to be a better person. She makes him want to be good enough for her. I loved him. He was hurting so much, but he is this amazing person who is there for Haven whenever she needs him. He is a fighter and he will definitely fight for her. It was like when they were thrown together there wasn't any other option. They were it for each other.

Not that it is easy. It takes them a while to even be comfortable in the same room together. Haven especially is skittish since she is just a slave. She is not good enough for someone like Carmine. She never will be...and Carmine is terrified of letting someone else get close. Everything he has ever loved has been taken from him and he doesn't want it to happen again. Oh it was heartbreaking at times, but these two are so sweet together.

The story is a longer one, not that I am complaining. You get to see a lot of Carmine and Haven. You get to see them fall in love and deal with some of the complications that entails. See them deal with some new information, see them try and work with the mob family aspect, see them just create this very solid foundation. Through all the ups and downs they are there for each other. While this book doesn't end on a cliffhanger it does end on a bit of an open ending so I am eager to read the next chapter of their story.