
Starstruck: (Book 1 of the Starstruck Saga) by S. E. Anderson

jdcunegan's review against another edition

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Starbound pissed me off.

In a good way.

If you read Celestial -- and if you didn't, how are you reading Starbound, the fifth in this series? -- you'll know why. Still, S.E. Anderson's latest has all of the same elements that made the previous four installments so great: heart and humor.

The two go hand-in-hand, and again, I mention how refreshing it is to see a sci-fi series that doesn't take itself so damn seriously. Anderson's writing prowess is again on full display, even as she weaves through the first half of the book in such a way that you might feel like you've missed something. But that's by design and the beauty is, her characters feel the same way.

The latter portion of the book does rely on a trope that I'm not a fan of (not giving anything away here), but the twist Anderson puts on it is inventive enough, and I'm still emotionally invested enough in Sally and others that it didn't bother me as much as it normally would. But be warned: this book does end on a bit of a cliffhanger -- though with this being a series and at least one more installment on the horizon, that's not surprising.

So much of what came before in the first four books of this series come to a head in Starbound, giving it a satisfying dimension of closure -- despite this not being the finale (and I say this knowing full well the next book might negate some of what's in this book; to this point, nothing surprises me).

But the long and short of it is this: Starbound is excellent, every bit the equal of its predecessors, and you need it in your library. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself contacting the author to jokingly chide her for how rude this all is.

Merged review:

Starbound pissed me off.

In a good way.

If you read Celestial -- and if you didn't, how are you reading Starbound, the fifth in this series? -- you'll know why. Still, S.E. Anderson's latest has all of the same elements that made the previous four installments so great: heart and humor.

The two go hand-in-hand, and again, I mention how refreshing it is to see a sci-fi series that doesn't take itself so damn seriously. Anderson's writing prowess is again on full display, even as she weaves through the first half of the book in such a way that you might feel like you've missed something. But that's by design and the beauty is, her characters feel the same way.

The latter portion of the book does rely on a trope that I'm not a fan of (not giving anything away here), but the twist Anderson puts on it is inventive enough, and I'm still emotionally invested enough in Sally and others that it didn't bother me as much as it normally would. But be warned: this book does end on a bit of a cliffhanger -- though with this being a series and at least one more installment on the horizon, that's not surprising.

So much of what came before in the first four books of this series come to a head in Starbound, giving it a satisfying dimension of closure -- despite this not being the finale (and I say this knowing full well the next book might negate some of what's in this book; to this point, nothing surprises me).

But the long and short of it is this: Starbound is excellent, every bit the equal of its predecessors, and you need it in your library. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself contacting the author to jokingly chide her for how rude this all is.

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review against another edition

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I have to admit that I totally ordered this book because I liked the cover and was reading A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy when I stumbled upon this series and needed more lighter and witty science-fiction. I just made one big mistake: I got the hardcover (even though the paperback cover is maybe even prettier, although after reading the book maybe less fitting) and this is a ten book series, so...that's gonna cost some money!

The series was however everything I had wanted it to be. The premise of the book is already hilarious and the book is filled with funny moments and some exciting twists and turns. What I like most is that the book is not trying too hard to be funny. It's not ridiculous or unrealistic. It feels in a way very realistic. The situations are happening "naturally" and those situations are slightly funny, but it doesn't feel forced or over the top.

I also really like all the options for future books! Zander can jump through space. It's how he ends up in the middle of the road on earth, meeting Sally. And although this first book is mostly taking place on earth, with one or two exceptions, it's clear that we're gonna see more of the universe and the world out there. I'm not sure if the die-hard science fiction fan will buy all the science in this book, but for me everything makes enough sense and I'm really longing for more.

I also really love Sally's character throughout the story. She's slightly all over the place, but that also means that she's the kind of character jumping straight into things without asking too many questions or freaking out. Which is exactly the kind of character a story like this needs. And, to make it even better, there is actually a pretty great plot in this book with a really nice finale filled with action and twists.

gingerblivet's review against another edition

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My brain hurts, but, like, in a good way? 12/10 would do again. And probably already have, actually. I should check my journal to see, as soon as I find the damn thing.

boyerm2010's review

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This was a quick and easy read. I had high hopes for this book, but it just wasn’t love for me. There wasn’t a lot of depth to the story or characters. A lot of the book seemed a little flighty.

breysreviews's review against another edition

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“Prologues don’t need a name, but I’ll call this one Steve” I was laughing at that from page 1 to page 447.

Starbound is book 5 in the Starstruck Saga by SE Anderson. This saga started off with a 5 star book, characters I loved with all of my heart, and jokes that cracked me up. With every single book in this saga I thought “it can’t get any better!” And it has. Every single book has gotten more funny, the characters more endearing. The action more immersive. The planets and aliens so creative so much fun and so unique.

5 stars.

Instead of writing a full review (cause I’m sure you know where I stand) I’m going to post my favorite quotes:

“And every single planet felt old, like I had been there before. While there was room for wonder, I always felt a vague sense of deja vu. Had I seen it all before?”

“Hey, the left-most rust spot did hear a striking resemblance to Scarlett Johansson”

“The only editors it had ever seen were a few hundred monkeys on typewriters who got really excited when they discovered the word “fart”.”

“Still unsure of what job he did, because future babble, but now without a job, he couldn’t get the medi-grains for his very sick gran, so everyone is sad.”

its_not_yours's review

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This didn’t quite do it for me, though not entirely sure why.

alatedbibliophile's review

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I received an advanced/review copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content and honesty of my review.

I fricken loved this book. It was one of the absolute best sci-fi/fantasy books I've read. There was some nice character development, the story flowed wonderfully, it was freaking hilarious and there was a smidge of romance that has me hoping the relationship develops as the series continues.

I highly recommend this book for fans of sci-fi and fantasy alike ... or if you're just looking for a good laugh!!

For my full review, visit my blog :)

- alated bibliophile