Identity, Rights, and Awareness: Anticaste Activism in India and the Awakening of Justice Through Discursive Practices by Jeremy A Rinker

Identity, Rights, and Awareness: Anticaste Activism in India and the Awakening of Justice Through Discursive Practices

Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in Asia

Jeremy A Rinker

240 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction history politics sociology challenging informative medium-paced
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For readers seeking a deeper understanding of India's complex caste dynamics and a nuanced exploration of the power of narrative in driving social change, Identity, Rights, and Awareness: Anticaste Activism in India and the Awakening of Justice Through Discursive Practices by Jeremy A Rinker offers a thought-provoking and insightful journey into the heart of India's anti-caste movement.


For over a decade, Jeremy Rinker, Ph.D. has interacted, observed, and studied Dalit anti-caste social movements in India. In this critical comparative approach to India's modern anti-caste resistance, Dr. Rinker emphasizes the complex interdepende...

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