Drawing the Dream of the Wolves: Homosexuality, Interpretation, and Freud's "wolf Man" by Whitney Davis

Drawing the Dream of the Wolves: Homosexuality, Interpretation, and Freud's "wolf Man"

Theories of Representation and Difference

Whitney Davis

288 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction classics lgbtqia+ psychology science
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For readers fascinated by the intersection of psychology, art, and the complexities of human identity, particularly those interested in the pioneering work of Sigmund Freud and the LGBTQ+ experience, Drawing the Dream of the Wolves: Homosexuality, Interpretation, and Freud's "wolf Man" by Whitney Davis offers a rich and challenging exploration of the visual and symbolic dimensions of the human psyche.


". . . a valuable scholarly addition to any student of Freud or as research material in a library." --HNet, H-CAACADavis argues that the visual dimension of Freud's writing is crucial to understanding its structure and significance. He offers a ne...

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