Connectability: 8 Keys to Building Strong Partnerships with Your Colleagues and Your Customers by Jim Cathcart, David Ryback, David Nour

Connectability: 8 Keys to Building Strong Partnerships with Your Colleagues and Your Customers

Jim Cathcart, David Ryback, David Nour

221 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction business economics informative medium-paced
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A business leader or entrepreneur looking to boost their organization's success and foster a culture of collaboration and effective communication will find Connectability: 8 Keys to Building Strong Partnerships with Your Colleagues and Your Customers by Jim Cathcart, David Ryback, and David Nour to be a game-changing guide, offering a practical and insightful approach to building strong relationships that drive results.


ConnectAbility -noun: 1. an agile approach to running an organization that takes into account the psychology of human interaction; 2. the only way to do business in today's economy Drawing from the powerful lessons of emotional awareness and relat...

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