Chinese Money in Global Context: Historic Junctures Between 600 BCE and 2012 by Niv Horesh

Chinese Money in Global Context: Historic Junctures Between 600 BCE and 2012

Niv Horesh

364 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction business economics history
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Chinese Money in Global Context: Historic Junctures Between 600 BCE and 2012 by Niv Horesh is a must-read for anyone fascinated by the intricate dance of global finance, history, and economics, offering a captivating journey through the evolution of Chinese currency and its far-reaching impact on the world stage.


Chinese Money in Global Context: Historic Junctures Between 600 BCE and 2012 offers a groundbreaking interpretation of the Chinese monetary system, charting its evolution by examining key moments in history and placing them in international perspe...

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