Les batailles nocturnes: Sorcellerie et rituels agraires aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles by Carlo Ginzburg, Giordana Charuty
Les batailles nocturnes: Sorcellerie et rituels agraires aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Carlo Ginzburg, Giordana Charuty

Les batailles nocturnes: Sorcellerie et rituels agraires aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Carlo Ginzburg, Giordana Charuty with Carlo Ginzburg (Translator)

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Based on research in the Inquisitorial archives, the book recounts the story of a peasant fertility cult centred on the benandanti. These men and women regarded themselves as professional anti-witches, who (in dream-like states) apparently fought ...

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