Pivot Or Pirouette?: The 1993 Canadian General Election by Tom Flanagan

Pivot Or Pirouette?: The 1993 Canadian General Election

Tom Flanagan with R. Kenneth Carty (Contributor), Gerald Baier (Contributor)

245 pages first pub 2022 (editions)

nonfiction history politics emotional informative medium-paced
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Pivot Or Pirouette?: The 1993 Canadian General Election by Tom Flanagan is a captivating read for anyone fascinated by the intricacies of Canadian politics and history, offering a unique insider's perspective on a pivotal moment in the country's history that will resonate with students and enthusiasts of political science, Canadian studies, and history.


The results of the 1993 federal election were unprecedented: the governing party was reduced to two seats, a separatist party became the official opposition, and a new regional party swept the West. Pivot or Pirouette? covers both the backstory an...

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