Theater of Acculturation: The Roman Ghetto in the Sixteenth Century by Kenneth R. Stow

Theater of Acculturation: The Roman Ghetto in the Sixteenth Century

Kenneth R. Stow

272 pages first pub 2000 (editions)

nonfiction history informative reflective slow-paced
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Theater of Acculturation: The Roman Ghetto in the Sixteenth Century by Kenneth R. Stow is a captivating read for anyone fascinated by the resilience and cultural ingenuity of a community, as it penetrates the remarkable story of how the Jews of Rome developed a thriving subculture within the confines of the 16th-century Ghetto, a testament to the power of identity and community in the face of adversity.


Generations of tourists visiting Rome have ventured into the small section between the Tiber River and the Capitoline Hill whose narrow, dark streets lead to the charming Fountain of the Tortoises, the brooding mass of the Palazzo Cenci, and some ...

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