Murder intercontinental by Barbara Callahan, William T. Lowe, Kenneth Gavrell, Hughes Allison, Agatha Christie, Kathleen Halligan, Batya Swift Yasgur, Ron Butler, James Sarafin, Patricia McGerr, Josh Pachter, Manly Wade Wellman, Juanita Sheridan, Robert Somerlott, Patricia Highsmith, Walter Satterthwait, Hayford Peirce, David Braly, Ruth Rendell, Georges Simenon, Shizuko Natsuki, Cynthia Manson

448 pages first pub 1996 (editions)

informative medium-paced
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Murder intercontinental by Barbara Callahan, William T. Lowe, Kenneth Gavrell, Hughes Allison, Agatha Christie, Kathleen Halligan, Batya Swift Yasgur, Ron Butler, James Sarafin, Patricia McGerr, Josh Pachter, Manly Wade Wellman, Juanita Sheridan, Robert Somerlott, Patricia Highsmith, Walter Satterthwait, Hayford Peirce, David Braly, Ruth Rendell, Georges Simenon, Shizuko Natsuki, Cynthia Manson is a great fit for the armchair traveler and detective, as it offers a riveting collection of suspenseful stories that transport readers to exotic destinations around the world, allowing them to explore the darker side of human nature in far-flung locales.


For armchair travelers and armchair detectives: a top-flight collection of suspenseful stories, tales of quaint Irish villages, fast-paced Far Eastern cities, lush tropical paradises -- and destinations unknown.Contents:The Caribbean : The missing...

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