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112 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781979432436
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication date: 05 November 2017
The Jack Tzu Training Guide is a must-have resource for dog owners seeking to unlock their Jack Tzu's full potential, providing a comprehensive and engaging journey through housetraining, obedience, agility, behavioral training, and tricks that will leave them with a more confident and well-behaved furry companion.
This Training Guide is amongst one of the most resourceful and informative out there. Packed full of reliable and tested information - written by a highly experienced Trainer. Easy to read, and in-depth in its nature - you will thoroughly enjoy yo...
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112 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781979432436
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication date: 05 November 2017
The Jack Tzu Training Guide is a must-have resource for dog owners seeking to unlock their Jack Tzu's full potential, providing a comprehensive and engaging journey through housetraining, obedience, agility, behavioral training, and tricks that will leave them with a more confident and well-behaved furry companion.
This Training Guide is amongst one of the most resourceful and informative out there. Packed full of reliable and tested information - written by a highly experienced Trainer. Easy to read, and in-depth in its nature - you will thoroughly enjoy yo...
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