The Wehrmacht: The Growth and Organisation of German Land Forces by Michael E. Haskew

The Wehrmacht: The Growth and Organisation of German Land Forces

WWII Germany

Michael E. Haskew

192 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction history informative medium-paced
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Military history enthusiasts will be captivated by The Wehrmacht: The Growth and Organisation of German Land Forces, a meticulously researched and visually stunning book that penetrates the inner workings of the German army during World War II, offering a treasure trove of fascinating facts, figures, and illustrations that will transport readers to the battlefields of Europe.


The Wehrmacht (meaning 'defensive might') encompassed the entire German armed forces during World War II. Rising from the ashes of the post-World War I Reichswehr in 1935, the Wehrmacht became one of the cornerstones of Hitler's re- assertion of G...

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