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304 pages • first pub 1997 (editions)
Format: Not specified
Language: English
Publisher: Not specified
Publication date: Not specified
This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to break free from the cycle of painful relationships and cultivate healthier connections, particularly those who have experienced emotional unavailability in past relationships and are looking for practical guidance and support to make positive changes.
In this groundbreaking book based on her extensive clinical experience, psychologist Bryn Collins discusses life with an emotionally unavailable person. She uses case studies, quizzes, and down-to-earth awareness to profile the most common types o...
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304 pages • first pub 1997 (editions)
Format: Not specified
Language: English
Publisher: Not specified
Publication date: Not specified
This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to break free from the cycle of painful relationships and cultivate healthier connections, particularly those who have experienced emotional unavailability in past relationships and are looking for practical guidance and support to make positive changes.
In this groundbreaking book based on her extensive clinical experience, psychologist Bryn Collins discusses life with an emotionally unavailable person. She uses case studies, quizzes, and down-to-earth awareness to profile the most common types o...
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