My 365 Seasonal Fruit Recipes: From The Seasonal Fruit Cookbook To The Table by Emily Carroll

My 365 Seasonal Fruit Recipes: From The Seasonal Fruit Cookbook To The Table

Emily Carroll

198 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction food and drink informative inspiring lighthearted medium-paced
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Emily Carroll's My 365 Seasonal Fruit Recipes: From The Seasonal Fruit Cookbook To The Table is a perfect fit for health-conscious readers seeking inspiration to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diet, particularly those looking for a balanced and varied approach to nutrition, with a focus on seasonal eating and delicious, easy-to-make recipes.


If you're living a sedentary or inactive lifestyle, this book might INSPIRE you to eat more Fruit and Vegetable ✩ Read this book for FREE on the Kindle Unlimited NOW ✩Let's discover the book "My 365 Seasonal Fruit Recipes" in the parts listed belo...

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