American History: an Enthralling Overview of Major Events That Shaped the United States of America by Billy Wellman

American History: an Enthralling Overview of Major Events That Shaped the United States of America

U.S. History

Billy Wellman

312 pages first pub 2023 (editions)

nonfiction history
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For anyone fascinated by the rich tapestry of American history, from its humble beginnings to its current status as a global superpower, American History: an Enthralling Overview of Major Events That Shaped the United States of America by Billy Wellman is a captivating and comprehensive guide that will ignite a lifelong passion for learning about the country's most pivotal moments.


 American history is a living, breathing thing that is always evolving and growing, with new chapters taking shape as we speak.Today, America is revered throughout the world as a global superpower, a model of democracy, and the kind of country tha...

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