Coming After by Jimmy Robert, Zoe Leonard, Ulrike Mu ller, Sharon Hayes, Jon Davies
Coming After

Jimmy Robert, Zoe Leonard, Ulrike Mu ller, Sharon Hayes, Jon Davies

123 pages first pub 2012 (editions)

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Coming After is a thought-provoking collection that will resonate deeply with readers who are passionate about the intersection of art, activism, and identity, particularly those interested in the queer community and the impact of the AIDS crisis on contemporary culture.


Coming After looks at the work of artists who "came after" the queer politics and AIDS activism of the mid-1980s to early 1990s: Ulrike Müller, Jimmy Robert, Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz, Aleesa Cohene, Glen Fogel, Onya Hogan-Finlay, Christian Hol...

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