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Kenya Suzuki, Kenya Suzuki
130 pages • missing pub info (editions)
Format: Digital
Language: English
Publisher: Not specified
Publication date: Not specified
Please Tell Me! Galko-chan Vol. 4 by Kenya Suzuki, Kenya Suzuki is a delightful read for anyone who craves a lighthearted and humorous tale of self-expression, friendship, and navigating the ups and downs of adolescence with unbridled enthusiasm and spirit.
Galko-chan always speaks her mind, which may not be the wisest decision in all cases, but it's never short of entertaining! Meet the exuberant and unbelievably busty high schooler, Galko, as she traverses the ups and downs of adolescence with spir...
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Kenya Suzuki, Kenya Suzuki
130 pages • missing pub info (editions)
Format: Digital
Language: English
Publisher: Not specified
Publication date: Not specified
Please Tell Me! Galko-chan Vol. 4 by Kenya Suzuki, Kenya Suzuki is a delightful read for anyone who craves a lighthearted and humorous tale of self-expression, friendship, and navigating the ups and downs of adolescence with unbridled enthusiasm and spirit.
Galko-chan always speaks her mind, which may not be the wisest decision in all cases, but it's never short of entertaining! Meet the exuberant and unbelievably busty high schooler, Galko, as she traverses the ups and downs of adolescence with spir...
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