Apocalyptic Winter by Albert B. Moss, C.A. Moll, N.A. Broadley, A.R. Maloney, D.J. Cooper, Dennis Welton, Christi Reed, Stephanie Mylchreest, Theresa Shaver, D. Stalter

154 pages missing pub info (editions)

adventurous dark reflective medium-paced
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Apocalyptic Winter is a gripping and provocative read that will captivate fans of post-apocalyptic fiction, particularly those who enjoy stories of resilience, hope, and the human spirit's capacity to persevere in the face of catastrophic adversity.


Some will fill you with hope, while others will encompass you in the bleakness of despair, as they each fight to live through the destruction of the world and elements thrown at them.Join some of the most talented authors of the genre as well as s...

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