Laboratory for World Destruction: Germans and Jews in Central Europe by Robert S. Wistrich

Laboratory for World Destruction: Germans and Jews in Central Europe

Studies in Antisemitism

Robert S. Wistrich

404 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction history informative medium-paced
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Laboratory for World Destruction: Germans and Jews in Central Europe by Robert S. Wistrich is a enlightening and insightful read for anyone fascinated by the complex and often fraught relationship between two of the most influential cultures of the 20th century, offering a nuanced exploration of the intersection of creativity, identity, and tragedy that shaped the course of modern history.


Published and distributed for the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism During the sixty years between the founding of Bismarck's German Empire and Hitler's rise to power, German-speaking Jews left a profound mark on Cen...

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