Language and Communication at Work: Discourse, Narrativity, and Organizing by Ann Langley, Francois Cooren, Eero Vaara

Language and Communication at Work: Discourse, Narrativity, and Organizing

Perspectives on Process Organization Studies

Ann Langley, Francois Cooren, Eero Vaara

376 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction business economics sociology informative medium-paced
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Language and Communication at Work: Discourse, Narrativity, and Organizing by Ann Langley, Francois Cooren, Eero Vaara is a must-read for organizational scholars, business leaders, and anyone fascinated by the intricate dance of language and communication in shaping the very fabric of organizations, offering a rich and nuanced exploration of the ways in which words and narratives bring companies to life.


With the growing influence of discursive and narrative perspectives on organizing, organizational scholars are focusing increasing attention on the constitutive role that language and communication play in organizational processes. This view conce...

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