
Perfect Little Angels by Vincent Anioke

Hosted by anioke

19 Apr 2024 - 18 May 2024

Giveaway closed

Prizes: Print (15 copies) — Available in Canada, Nigeria, and United States

fiction lgbtqia+ literary short stories
dark emotional reflective medium-paced

272 pages | first published 2024

View book page

Hey there! Thanks so much for your interest in this giveaway. The intense, visceral short stories of "Perfect Little Angels" explore universal themes of (un)conditional love and duty versus desire through a Nigerian lens. They were crafted with great care, and I'm really proud of them. You can also find forthcoming, exciting book updates on Twitter.

Book description

A beautifully imagined story collection set largely in Nigeria that explores themes of masculinity and repressed desires through the lens of (un)conditional love   In this stunning debut story collection set largely in Nigeria, questions abound: W...


Format: Print

Number of copies: 15

Delivery: Mail delivery

Eligible countries: Canada, Nigeria, United States

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