
Unclutter: A Survivor's Story by Winnie D. Pagora

Hosted by winnzwordz

19 Aug 2023 - 18 Sep 2023

Giveaway closed

Prizes: Digital (200 copies), Print (5 copies) — Available in 177 countries

fiction contemporary young adult
emotional hopeful inspiring medium-paced

357 pages | first published 2023

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Hi There,

Thank you for stopping by.

Don't miss this chance to win 200 eBook copies (global) and 5 print copies of Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (US and Canada). An abused college student must battle her enemies—including the ones within her mind to find her true inner voice in this YA emotional rollercoaster.

If you enjoy reading books with a strong protagonist, diverse characters, gasp-worthy plot twists,  toe-curling romance, and lots of character growth, you will love Unclutter. If you liked Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed, or The Luis Ortega Survival Club by Sonora Reyes, Unclutter is for you.

Click here to read what people are saying about Unclutter: A Survivor's Story.

I'm thrilled that you're interested in my story, and I can't wait to read your thoughts and reviews.

Good luck with the giveaway!

Best wishes,

Book description

“Now, I declare war on my abusers—their time is up.”  Eighteen-year-old Tina Lauren is an outcast with wounds that run deep—she’s always needed to make the outside hurt more than the inside does. She hates being touched, her clothes don’t fit, and...


Format: Digital

Number of copies: 200

Delivery: eBook with .pdf and .epub attachments

Eligible countries (177)
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2.91k entries

Format: Print

Number of copies: 5

Delivery: Package via or

Eligible countries: Canada, United States

2.08k entries