
Fierce by James Kemp

Hosted by jmkemp

19 Apr 2024 - 18 May 2024

Giveaway closed

Prizes: Digital (250 copies), Print (10 copies) — Available in 177 countries

fiction fantasy
adventurous emotional mysterious fast-paced

327 pages | first published 2024

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Fierce by James Kemp is a good fit for readers who enjoy stories about young heroes discovering their destiny and seeking justice in a world filled with mystery and danger. There are 250 copies of the ebook, and ten copies of the hardback available. 

Book description

Yngvild grew up on the small island of Straven, with her foster brother Noren, and a small group of adults that crew a fishing boat and look after a small flock of sheep. It's a quiet backwater in the Western Isles, and apart from the odd visit by...


Format: Digital

Number of copies: 250

Delivery: In-app download ( file)

Eligible countries (177)
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2.56k entries

Format: Print

Number of copies: 10

Delivery: Package via mail

Eligible countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States

3.6k entries