

Hosted by drivera55
01 Feb 24 - 29 Feb 24
17 participants


Hi folx! I will be using this "readalong" feature to post additional resources connected to the book (if I find any I think would add to your experience, suggested reading schedule (which will be flexible, don't worry!), and to have discussion forums (YAY!). 

I will post all the discussion forums by February 1st, 2024.



Hi! Please introduce yourself :) Tell us your name, pronouns, your favorite place to read, your favorite book, and anything else you'd like us to know.

Helpful Resources/Articles/Links/Etc.

Hi! I'm going to use this forum to post any resources that I find will add to your reading experience/understanding of the topics/themes/motifs/etc. of the book. 

Feel free to add your own resources, if you find anything you think would interest the club :)

Got some quotes that stood out? Share 'em here!

Hi! While you read, you may come across some quotes that are powerful, thought provoking, or just intriguing. Share them in this forum to spark some convos and possibly help others see the importance of a quote they may have skimmed over. 

If you can, include why you felt the quote was important enough to highlight.  
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Recommended Milestones

Target: 01 Feb 2024

This is the recomended milestones, or timeline, for finishing the book. I say recommended because I don't want anyone to feel like they're hard, definite "due" dates. 

Please feel free to read at your own pace throughout the month and join each forum for discussion once you've reached that part of the book (I will be stating what chapters are going to be referenced in each forum, so you know what point in the book you should be at to join the discussion if you don't want spoilers).
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Have any predictions while reading?

I had someone suggest I make a forum specifically for predictions anyone may have while reading the book. I think this could spark some interesting convos. 

Comment in this forum if, while reading a certain passage/chapter, you think you've figured out another "clue." Let us know where in the book you had this prediction and why you think you may be right. Use some evidence from the book to back it up. Let's see if we're all on the same page, or if someone fills in the holes for others. 

"The Heart" Discussion

Target: 08 Feb 2024

Forum unlocked when you reach 27% in the book


"The Feather" Discussion

Forum unlocked when you reach 75% in the book

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