
The Luminaries

Hosted by millibear
18 Dec 23 - 31 Mar 24
3 participants


Readalong inspired by "First Edition" the podcast! In one early episode, host Jeff O'Neal interviewed Sarah Hart about literature and mathematics, and Hart explained that in THE LUMINARIES, the acts are each half as long as the act before it. On top of that, act 1 starts with 12 chapters and each act has one less chapter than the one before it! And because of this structure, the book spirals, in a meta way. I thought that was so cool.

If any astrology buffs are out there and following along, would love your thoughts on the signs for each act and chapter. Mercury being in Sagittarius for A1Ch1, for example, seems like it's setting up some communication kerfuffle? I Could Not Tell You For Sure.


If you can hang until halfway through Act 2, you're golden

Even though I intellectually knew Act 2 and Act 2 would take the majority of the book, getting there was super tough. After that, though, it really does start spiraling so quickly. Towards the end, when the chapters and acts get super short, it starts to do interesting things with form by scaffolding off of all the info overload in Acts 1 and 2. Hope you enjoy when you get there!