Tips, Not Prompts: a guide on how to build and keep the reading habit - hosted by bibilly

πŸ“š Make time, any time. Or: the 2minute rule for reading
Of course you don't have to make time for reading. However, if reading is important to you, if it's something that really interests you, it's only natural to make some time for it. And, depending on the level of your interest, you'll also have to give up on other things, things you don't need to do and don't want to do as much as you want to read (more and better). Hence tip 1: know your tastes and necessities.

The good news is that with an e-reader at hand it will be much easier to make time, since you can take it everywhere and open it any spare moment. No matter where you're at, instead of scrolling aimlessly through Instagram, open your kindle, which, granted, can be difficult at first, but you don't have to do it a lot, or intensely β€” just do it regularly. Let's say you have to wait at a line for half an hour every day. Try reading for 10 minutes as soon as you arrive. Easier yet: make it a rule to at least pick up your e-reader to choose/open a book. Eventually, you won't have to choose between your e-reader and your phone and will find yourself unconsciously starting the book and reading it for 5, 10, then the whole 30 minutes. Reading should be an ordinary time filling activity, the kind of thing that you reach for first when there's a free moment and no immediate task β€”that is, a habit.

It's also crucial, however, to have a specific moment in your routine dedicated to reading. It would be better to create a whole routine that includes everything in your life first, but you can still build a reading habit without such organization. First of all, I'd recommend to get your daily reading done right after breakfast, either at home, before any other non immediate task, or on your way to work/school. Anything you can read in that short amount of time counts: one page, one poem, one chapter. That way you won't feel guilty if you don't have the energy or end up forgetting along the day. If that's still hard for you, try making a commitment with yourself of only picking up your phone or scrolling through social media after reading for at least 2 minutes, then 5, then 10. You'll probably read more than that, and with time you'll feel calmer in the morning.

Now, let's say the time you prefer reading is before bed. Make it a rule to read as much as you can every night, no matter if it's 200 or 2 pages. For example: if you went to sleep late and have to wake up early, read for 5 to 10 minutes; if you're on a nice sleeping schedule, read for 30 minutes to 1 hour; if you're on your lazy day or on vacation read for 2 or more hours. Don't exert yourself (reading before bed should be a therapeutic activity), but do it every single night, unless something extraordinary happens or you really don't have the energy. If it helps, add reading to your to-do list (see tip 5). I'm a pathological procrastinator and my memory is terrible, so I list every little thing I have and want to do, stacking the daily habits to turn them into a single easy task (e.g.: stretching-make my bed-drinking water-have breakfast-all of that without checking social media).

Moreover, think about your reading moment in terms of quality reading time not number of pages read, since that will always depend on the book and when you pick it up. Sometimes you'll read more, sometimes less, but the ending result (total of pages and books) is bound to be satisfactory if you're consistent. And don't forget that, in order to have a quality reading moment, one needs to allocate not only time but also energy. You might not want to have only the bus ride on your way home as your reading time, for instance, since you'll probably be hungry after a long day at school or work and reading will only make you more tired. On the other hand, not every reading moment has to be super "productive". The goal is only to build a good habit, not run a marathon.

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