Bear species challenge đŸ» - hosted by ancaciochina

đŸ» the sun bear – let’s read a book from a pet/house animal perspective
Sun bear is often haunted in order to be sold as a pet. The bears face many dangers, such as losing their forests and being hunted for their valuable parts. Some people use sun bears’ gall bladders for traditional Chinese medicine, and their paws for expensive food. Another big problem for the bears is the bile trade in China and Vietnam, which takes out the digestive liquid from the living animals for making creams, eye drops or injections. Sometimes, hunters kill mother bears and take their babies for selling as pets. 
For some, being a pet or a house animal might sems the ideal, but for other freedom is more important. No matter which perspective you choose, go with a book that has an animal as narrator. It can be a realistic or a fantastical one. 

Suggestions of books / authors:
·       “Black Beauty” by Anna Sewell 
·       “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein 
·       “Flush: A Biography” by Virginia Woolf 
·       “Charlotte’s Web” by EB White 
·       “White Fang” by Jack London 
·       “Night wishes” by Michael Ende
đŸ§žïž About the sun bear: Sun bears live in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. They are found from northeastern India to Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam in the north and south to Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia. They were also seen in China's Yunnan Province in 2017. In the past, they lived in more places, such as Java and China, but they became extinct there. Now, they are losing their habitats and numbers in many places. They are gone from Singapore since the 1800s and 1900s because of too much logging. Sun bears are more common in Sundaland than in the north and west parts of their range.
🌐 NGO protecting  sun bear: Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre ( 

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