book by every literature nobel prize winner until 2031

Hosted by zombie_giraffe

13 participants, 326 books added

You can start and finish this challenge whenever you like!

I know there is already a popular similar challenge, but that one lets you choose an author when multiple people won in the same year. That is not enough for me. So There will be a book by every winner ever.

In the cases that someone won for a specific book or type of book, I will read that book or type, but you do whatever you want.

Because it's a lot of books and most of them are not easy one-day reads, I will give myself 10 years. So this will include future winners who haven't been announced yet and there is no way to finish this challenge before 2031. There is no start and end date, because Storygraph only plans 5 years into the future.

Challenge Prompts