Reading South Asia 2024

Hosted by bbansal

28 participants, 104 books added

Starts: Monday, 01 January 2024

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

These prompts provide a fun and creative way to engage with South Asian literature. They are broad enough to encompass readers who are already familiar with South Asian literature as well as those looking to expand and read more from the region - both, fiction as well as non-fiction. 

1. For the purposes of this challenge, South Asia includes India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, and Bangladesh. [Note: Due to relevance and proximity, Tibetan & Burmese books may be used to answer the prompts as well, but sparingly.]
2. All books should ideally be set within South Asia itself - in whole, or in part. 
3. The authors should ideally be of South Asian descent. 
4. All books must be read in 2024. 

(pst pst, here's a hint: look at the books already added to each prompt as a place to start)

Challenge Prompts