Pride Month Challenge

Hosted by kora_nd

40 participants, 194 books added

Starts: Wednesday, 01 June 2022

Ends: Friday, 01 July 2022

Pride Month is coming up, and my friend @angstology on Instagram and @crispyreads on here has decided to created a challenge. The challenge is simple, for each letter of the LGBTQ+ abbreviation, you must read a book. This challenge will focus on the first 5 letters of the abbreviation, but I encourage you deeply to read a book for every letter of our beautiful community ! The remaining letters will be added as bonus prompts ([...]QIP2SAA), except for the A identifying allies. I, instead, chose to highlight our non-binary folks ! The only requirement is that the MC must be queer ! Simple enough, right ? ;)

Please, make sure to check out my friend's Instagram, @angstology and give her a shoutout, and her Storygraph, @crispyreads. Let her know if you're doing this challenge ! She posts amazing and complete reviews on YA books and I couldn't recommend her enough. 

On that note, to your books ! <3 

PS : Supporting our community is not a trend and shouldn't happen only during the month of June. I deeply encourage all of you to show your support all year and seek ways to create safer spaces for us. To companys who make profit off our identity and this Pride Month ; do better.  

Challenge Prompts