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01 Jan 2025—31 Dec 2025
🌟 Check out the other challenge I created for tracking the 2025 releases you're interested in: 2025 Book Release Tracker
This is a place to plan and track your monthly TBR. There is a bonus prompt at the bottom that can be used as a space to store the books that you plan to get to but aren't ready to assign to a specific month.
✅️ 2025 Monthly TBR Planner
24 participants (294 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2025ENDS: 31 Dec 2025
🌟 Check out the other challenge I created for tracking the 2025 releases you're interested in: 2025 Book Release Tracker
This is a place to plan and track your monthly TBR. There is a bonus prompt at the bottom that can be used as a space to store the books that you plan to get to but aren't ready to assign to a specific month.