Dealogues' 2024 Yearly Reading Challenge

Hosted by dealogues

8 participants, 24 books added

Starts: Monday, 01 January 2024

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Welcome to my personal 2024 Yearly RC! It is supposed to be a way to push me to break some reading boundaries and find my limit, but it would be more fun and meaningful to invite all of you to join!

This is a monthly-prompt-based challenge. Each prompt is suited to famous holidays or celebrations from around the world. For example, February is famous for Valentine's Day, so the prompt will be all about love. There are several book recs included to help you choose your next read. You can head to my Twitter account (@dealogues) to find it on the pinned tweet.

To join, simply comment "I'm in!" and add your read books in each category. You may also make a Storygraph review using the hashtag #2024BacaBarengDea.

May you find amazing books throughout this journey <3

Challenge Prompts