Kindle Unlimited MMM Challenge

Hosted by marilanoire

6 participants, 40 books added

Starts: Wednesday, 01 March 2023

Ends: Friday, 31 March 2023

It’s this time of the new year again. March is coming up and as usual my prompts for this month go hand in hand with the March Mystery Madness challenges on YouTube. This years theme is Spring Cleaning and my own prompts will include the official ones. Since there’s only four prompts in the official challenge, I added three of my own to get to our usual count of seven.

The rules are as usual: 
• Any book counts as long as it is available via Kindle Unlimited in the time period of this challenge 
• Fiction, Non-Fiction, Manga, Graphic Novel, it doesn’t matter as long as it goes with the prompt 
• A book can be counted for several prompts, you don’t have to read seven different books, one is enough if it meets all the criteria
• If you want to take it a step further, list only fist books in a series to fill up our TBRs

I’m so looking forward to this years MMM, it’s the 8th year in a row by the way, and I can’t wait to see your picks for the month. I will be posting on my Instagram about my choices, too. If you are interested, join me there to actually see what everyone has on their TBR… 

Challenge Prompts

1. Messy


2. Lather


3. Rinse


4. Repeat


5. Spring


7. Maid
