20 Black Comic Books and Graphic Novel Challenge- Hosted by Nerds, Erbs, & Words Podcast

Hosted by keishasliterarylabyrinth

29 participants, 115 books added

Starts: Sunday, 01 January 2023

Ends: Sunday, 31 December 2023

Black Comics are our passion and we want to share with you! Join the 20 Black Comics and Graphic Novels Reading Challenge for 2023! 

Reading Requirements:
  1. The writer on the comic book team MUST be Black.
  2. Individual issues and one- shots do NOT count. You have to read the entire story arc.

Who ever finishes the challenge by the end of the year will be entered to win a prize from Nerds, Erbs, & Words Podcast! 

Two bonus entries max. will be given to those who post about the challenge on Instagram using the hashtag #20blackcomicbookchallenge. 

Good luck!!!

Challenge Prompts