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Most popular songs (and my personal highlights) of Lana Del Rey as books. Feel free to interpretate the songs in your own way, the descriptions are just the way how I percive them! I put some additional recommendations in the prompts I felt like doing so.
(Also, English is my second language, sorry if there are any mistakes!)
(Also, English is my second language, sorry if there are any mistakes!)
🦋 Lana Del Rey songs aesthetic 🦋
8 participants, 26 books
Most popular songs (and my personal highlights) of Lana Del Rey as books. Feel free to interpretate the songs in your own way, the descriptions are just the way how I percive them! I put some additional recommendations in the prompts I felt like doing so.
(Also, English is my second language, sorry if there are any mistakes!)
(Also, English is my second language, sorry if there are any mistakes!)