Books in Bibliophobia

13 participants (36 books)


These are the selected texts (in order of appearance) from Bibliophobia: A Memoir by Sarah Chihaya.

Not listed due to their format are:

Dir. Akira Kurosawa, Seven Samurai

Hiromi Ochi, “What Did She Read?: The Cultural Occupation of Post-war Japan and Translated Girls’ Literature,” Frontiers of Gender Studies, Number 5 (March, 2006): 359-63.

Bjork, Post

Dir. Arthur Hiller, Love Story

Barbara Ehrenreich, Forward to Klaus Theweleit’s Male Fantasies

Sigrid Nunez, “The Art of Fiction no. 254” The Paris Review.

The following are bonus prompts:

Joan Baez, The Joan Baez Songbook

Francis James Child, The English and Scottish Popular Ballads

American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

The I Ching or Book of Changes