Tackle That Physical TBR Pile

Hosted by minimaliterature

46 participants, 755 books added

Starts: Sunday, 25 December 2022

Ends: Sunday, 07 January 2024

A challenge to help you tackle your physical tbr pile. Whether it only creates a bit of a dent, or clears up most of your physical tbr. I hope this challenge helps you! Because of the goal of this challenge, you should, of course, be using as many books from your physical to be read pile (whether they are neatly tucked away in your bookcase or a literal pile next to your reading surface).

I have added some bonus prompts that may be used to replace a prompt as well, in case you don't have a book that fits the description. Simply add the book to both the bonus prompt and the prompt it will be replacing.

I have also added an extra 2 weeks to give that extra bit of time to finish this challenge.

Challenge Prompts