2022 Becky Awards Longlist

Hosted by linguisticali

5 participants, 22 books added

You can start and finish this challenge whenever you like!

 Challenge by Becky (@basiclandcave on Instagram):

Drumroll please for the #2022BeckyAwardsLonglist 🎉⁣⁣⁣
This is my fourth foray into this year-long event, in which I challenge myself to read all my most anticipated speculative fiction from the previous year. After struggling with such a long list last year, I arbitrarily decided to cut this one off at less than 30 books, so YES there are a lot of books from the last year that I wish were here and still hope to go back and read someday. In the meantime, this is where I’ll be for some fraction of the upcoming year. Let me know if you see favorites or stuff on your TBR here! Always excited for an impromptu buddy read, although I don’t plan on organizing anything formal this year around the list. Thanks everyone who always shares my enthusiasm for speculative fiction and this project!⁣⁣ 

Challenge Prompts