The "Best" Cosmere Reading Order

12 participants (29 books)


Taken from the 17th shard:
It  has been a long debated topic on what Cosmere reading order is the best. Many have been proposed since the beginning of time till now. which order is the best? they all say it's one or another... But they are all wrong.
Every single one of them is wrong.
There are many things wrong with their orders. They don't have connections well done, they don't maximize series cohesion for the new reader's enjoyment. They often choose one over the other.
You see, the greatest Cosmere reading order is the one I have produced over long trial and error. Only I could create this spectacular and entirely amazing reading order. It took me an eternity. An eternity that lasted half an hour of thinking about this over the past two years. I have come up with one of the best, if not the best, reading order that brings together story cohesion and connections in a nice bow.

Challenge Books