GirlXOXO 2021 Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge

Hosted by jrf1108

47 participants, 354 books added

Starts: Friday, 01 January 2021

Ends: Friday, 31 December 2021

 Welcome to the 2021 Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge! We’re so excited to be back for another year of reading with you!

~ This is a monthly challenge that runs all year long from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.
~ Eight “key words” are given for each month. Your task is to read 1 book that includes one or more of the key words in the title.
~ Synonyms and suffixes are allowed. For example, if the keyword is ‘Lake’ you may also use the words ‘Lakes’, ‘Water’, ‘Sea’, ‘Ocean’. Consult for appropriate synonyms.
~ A check in post will be published here on the blog and on Instagram each month. You can link up on the blog posts to announce your completion of that months challenge using the hashtag #monthlykeywordgxo 

~ Please properly credit and link back to Girlxoxo or Kim on Instagram any time you post about the challenge on your blog or social media.
~ If you post what you’ve read to social media please use the hashtag #MonthlyKeyWordGXO .
~ If you are on Goodreads consider joining our GXO Goodreads Reading Challenge Group. You can get book suggestions, do progress check-ins and meet other challenge participants. 

~ You can track your progress using a blog or any social media platform. We are active on Instagram, Twitter, and Goodreads.
~ Monthly Check in Posts will be linked below as soon as they’re posted. You can check in there, on our GXO Goodreads Reading Challenge Group or with our Instagram hashtag MonthlyMotifGXO

Challenge Prompts