Visual Book Tracker 2023

23 participants, 981 books

01 Jan 202331 Dec 2023


I love the stats page on StoryGraph, but I'm going to take it one step further and try a visual tracker using the reading challenge system. I love the idea of seeing all the books I rated a certain way and separating them into categories. I'm a very visual person and while I like the numbers, I also want to see what those numbers represent.

Note: Only inputting information for books I've completed. For books I DNF'd I'm only adding them to the DNF category.

  • Fiction/Nonfiction
  • Type: in a series or not
  • Length: How many pages (or how many hours converted to pages)
  • Age/Intended Age: What age the book is intended for... not the age of the reader 
  • Rating: the rating you gave it on SG (broken down in quarter stars; DNF included in this)
  • Heat Rating: New addition for 2023; how spicy is this book? Mainly for books with romance in them.
  • Genre: Different genres; grouped similar genres together)
  • Format: physical book, digital (includes websites), audiobook
  • Style: This is not the way you consumed it but the content itself: prose, poetry, graphic novel, etc. (meaning works that include art that is essential to the story as opposed to a prose book that has illustrations)
  • (Re)Read: First time reading or a reread
  • Author Status: New author to me or not a new author
  • Own/Borrowed: At the time of reading the book did you own it or not.

Some things to think about: How are you categorizing your books. For example, some of them are up to the reader like the intended age, genre, and type categories. You decide what those categories mean to you and what your parameters are for each of them and try to stay consistent. I've written down how I will be tracking it in the descriptions. 

Challenge Prompts
