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Although books may fit more than one category, you may only use a book once. Feel free to choose which category to use based on what you have left to read
Fantasy Sub-Genres
273 participants (1,583 books)
Although books may fit more than one category, you may only use a book once. Feel free to choose which category to use based on what you have left to read
Challenge Prompts
11. Fantasy of manners (58 added)
12. Futuristic fantasy (42 added)
13. Grimdark fantasy (77 added)
14. High fantasy/Epic fantasy (108 added)
15. Historical fantasy (98 added)
16. Low fantasy (79 added)
17. Magical realism (95 added)
18. Medieval fantasy (74 added)
19. Military fantasy (69 added)
20. Mythic fantasy (65 added)