Fanfic Trope Reading Challenge

Hosted by pipedreambrekker

86 participants, 516 books added

You can start and finish this challenge whenever you like!

Are you also spending a lot of time on ao3 even though you were totally going to read more books again? 

Then this challenge is for you! 

Brought to you by veritable ao3 enthusiasts of the Studyblr w/Knives discord server are 16 prompts based on everyone’s favourite fanfiction tropes and settings to ease you back into the bookish life. (Though of course, you could also just do this challenge with fanfics.) And who knows, maybe you’ll discover a new fandom! 

Some prompts include two or more tropes or settings - you can choose which one suits you the most! None of the prompts are explicit or include archive warnings (except for the “major character death” prompt). If you decide on one of our recommendations, we encourage you to check content warnings before you read them just to be safe, especially for darker books that discuss violent topics and/or death. 

Another note: you can interpret the tropes in any way you want, meaning you can read any book that technically, literally, fits a trope name, not just what it usually means as an ao3 tag (i.e. Murder on Orient Express would fit just fine under 'snowed in', since they do technically get snowed in).

Find the original tumblr announcement post with the bingo card here - if you end up posting updates on tumblr, do tag them with #studyblr w/knives reading challenge, we'd love to see what you read!

Challenge Prompts