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01 Jan 2025—31 Dec 2025
A challenge to help tackle your physical TBR! Templates available for sharing/updating on instagram @taylahreads. 😊💕
2025 Physical Alphabet Challenge
26 participants (375 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2025ENDS: 31 Dec 2025
A challenge to help tackle your physical TBR! Templates available for sharing/updating on instagram @taylahreads. 😊💕
Challenge Prompts
21. U (13 added)
A book that starts with the letter U
22. V (9 added)
A book that starts with or contains the letter V in the title
23. W (19 added)
A book that starts with the letter W
24. X (2 added)
A book that starts with or contains the letter X in the title
25. Y (5 added)
A book that starts with the letter Y
26. Z (2 added)
A book that starts with or contains the letter Z in the title
27. Number (9 added)
A book that has a number in the title
28. Colour (6 added)
A book that has a colour in the title